Research Lines
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Research Lines

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Research Lines

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Inclusion and Social Protection

It is dedicated to investigating social public policies, operates in the evaluation of programs such as Bolsa Família, in addition to health, education and productive insertion programs.

Environment and Sustainability

It carries out work related to the impacts of the environment on agriculture and human health, such as the consequences of climate change in such sectors.

Public services

It is interested in analyzing the efficiency and conditions of offering competent services to the public administration, such as security, health, education and infrastructure. The surveys of this line carry out qualitative and quantitative assessments of such administrative functions.

Social Management and Third Sector

It investigates the importance of the third sector for the area of ​​Public Policies, based on the establishment of sustainable actions in society. Topics of interest are the management of cooperatives, social entrepreneurship, associations and non-governmental organizations.

Political and Economic Studies

Studies that seek to relate political and economic contexts for articulation and analysis of public policies in different sectors

Public Management

Research related mainly to the activities of the Public Administration program in which municipal management is discussed. Addresses the challenges of implementing and regulating adequate and efficient basic sanitation structures, for example, in addition to the education, public safety activities competent to the municipalities

Agglomerates, Productive Arrangements and Territories

Studies on production chains and economic development as a result of their articulation and integration.