Research Groups
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Research Groups

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Research Groups

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Currently, the Institute has the participation of 15 research groups. The public notice to be linked to the IPPDS is of continuous flow and can be found in the page notice

Public Policy Analysis

Center for Studies in Public Administration, Government and Society

Economics of Natural and Environmental Resources

Milk Family

RENOB-MG – Network for Coping with Obesity in Minas Gerais

GEGOP – Deliberative Spaces Public Governance

LAEC / UFV – Academic League of Studies on Crime

Study Group on Transparency, Accountability and Corruption (GETAC)

GeoTec: Applied Geosciences and Technologies

Sem título-1-01

Management in Practice

Sem título-1-02

Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Territórios Criativos (GDTeC)

Sem título-1-03

CREC – Reference Center for Entrepreneurship and Cooperatives

Technical Project for Strengthening and Structuring the Fruit Chain in the State of Alagoas


Educational Policies and Development – PED

icones gp-07
GERAR – Rural Study Group: Agriculture and Rurality

Public Policy Analysis

It aims to carry out joint studies on the field of public policies, reflect, discuss and present proposals related to the field of study, examining issues of policy process and analysis, formulation and implementation of public policies, political instruments, political and political changes and reforms and public programs, covering a range of theoretical, methodological and / or empirical approaches.

Center for Studies in Public Administration, Government and Society

Created in 2006, led by Professor Marco Aurélio Marques Ferreira, incorporated that year as a member of the permanent group of the Postgraduate Program in Administration – Area of ​​Concentration in Public Administration. It was one of the first active groups of the IPPDS to carry out research, teaching and extension activities, individually or in partnership with other groups of the institute



Among the main target audiences are governments, secretariats and municipal, state and federal agencies. In addition to NGOs, Third Sector Organizations and Development Agencies in Brazil and abroad interested in projects and actions in the line of action of NAPGS 


Members: Formed by professors, students and researchers linked to the Postgraduate Program in Administration under the coordination of Prof. Marco Aurélio Marques Ferreira, the work teams being made up of projects.

Economics of Natural and Environmental Resources

It seeks to understand the relationships established between economic activities and the environment, a multidisciplinary perspective. Special emphasis is placed on the economics of climate change and the agricultural sector.

Milk Family

Created in 2012, it aims to train students in the Agronomy, Agribusiness, Dairy, Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science courses to work in the production of dairy cattle in Minas Gerais with a focus on serving family farming.

The Program’s research is based on the impact of technical assistance on regional development, the role of women in milk production and the inclusion of young people in the activity through technologies that facilitate work in the field. The group also conducts research on animal nutrition, welfare and milk quality.


The group is linked to the Zootechnics Department and has 90 members, being 2 professors (Polyana Pizzi Rotta and Marcos Inácio Marcondes), 2 technicians (Bernardo Magalhães and Nelson Clemente), 6 graduate students and 80 undergraduate students. For more information, visit the Program’s website. 

RENOB-MG – Network for Coping with Obesity in Minas Gerais


Target Audience: health professionals and physical educators who work at the Family Health Support Center (NASF) and municipal health managers



Under the coordination of Professor Helen Hermana Miranda Hermsdorff, the project consists of approximately twenty professors in the areas of Nutrition, Health, Medicine and Nursing and Rural Economy at the following universities: Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) and Federal University of Alfenas (UNIFAL). The project also has thirteen scholarship holders for technical support, these being undergraduate, graduate students and professionals in the areas of food, nutrition and health.

For more information visit the project website.

GEGOP – Deliberative Spaces Public Governance

Criado em 2016, o GEGOP busca priorizar o olhar para as relações entre governo e a sociedade, principalmente por meio de estudos sobre espaços deliberativos, em termos de funcionamento, avanços e desafios. Outro foco de estudos está nos arranjos de governança, considerando as formas instituídas e o quanto estão abertas à cidadania e à incorporação das decisões oriundas dos processos deliberativos. Além disso, o grupo também se dedica a estudar todos os aspectos da política do idoso e do envelhecimento ativo.


Created in 2016, GEGOP seeks to prioritize looking at the relationship between government and society, mainly through studies on deliberative spaces, in terms of functioning, advances and challenges. Another focus of studies is on governance arrangements, considering the forms established and how open they are to citizenship and the incorporation of decisions arising from deliberative processes. In addition, the group is also dedicated to studying all aspects of the policy of the elderly and active aging.


Since its creation, the group has already brought together approximately 100 researchers from 8 countries (Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Spain, Mozambique, Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador) and has established important partnerships with national and international institutions, for the realization of events, book production, exchange of experiences and various publications. It is linked to the Administration and Accounting Department of the Federal University of Viçosa – UFV.

For more information, visit the group’s website.

LAEC / UFV – Academic League of Studies on Crime

The Academic League of Studies on Crime – LAEC aims to awaken the interest of the members in the study of crime, promoting and expanding the knowledge of the theme. In addition, it aims to develop activities that contribute to UFV’s undergraduate and graduate courses, aiming at critical and total professional training, strengthening the inseparability between teaching, research and extension.

Members: Students and professors from the Graduate Programs in Economics and Applied Economics participate in the research group, in addition to undergraduate students from the Economics, Law, Social Sciences, Administration and other courses related to the crime theme, and other interested parties.

Profa. Viviani Silva Lirio (DER, UFV, coordinator) / Prof. Evandro Camargo Teixeiras (DEE, UFV, coordinator) / Prof. Antônio Carlos Miranda (UFOP) / Felippe Clemente (post Doc, University of Lisbon, Portugal) / Cícero Braga (PhD student in Applied Economics, UFV)
Ana Cecília Almeida (PhD student in Applied Economics, UFV) / Bruno Truzzi Rosa (PhD student in Economics, Unicamp) /
Steffany Costa Jardim (Undergraduate Student in Economic Sciences) / Iana Lopes Bicalho (Undergraduate Student in Economic Sciences)
Marinez Avelino Gonçalves de Campos (Graduating in Economic Sciences) / Felipe Nathan Ferreira dos Santos (Graduating in Economic Sciences)
Pedro Rodrigues Oliveira (Graduating in Economic Sciences).

For more information, visit the League website.

Study Group on Transparency, Accountability and Corruption (GETAC)

Its objective is to propose analyzes of contemporary public management based on its relations with the formation of the State and its bureaucracy, as well as its relationship with market and society organizations, based on the assumption that good public governance is fundamental to balance interests present in the public sphere.

The group has developed analytical projects at the local level, with regard to the executive, legislative and organized civil society, seeking to understand how these institutions operate. Accountability research is also carried out, with a focus on municipalities, analysis of local internal and external control, public transparency, as well as territorial governance. Another focus of the group is on conducting studies on public bureaucracy, as well as promoting new forms of public policy agenda for entrepreneurship and innovation in public management

GeoTec: Applied Geosciences and Technologies

GeoTec emerged in 2014, out of the need to qualify the georeferencing methodologies and / or practices within the scope of CTM – Multifinal Territorial Register, integrating the intelligence of Geoprocessing, Geostatistics, Machine Learning and Data Science. 

Currently, the group focuses on meeting the technical and technological needs of Brazilian municipalities to solve problems in planning and public management. Among the demands presented daily to the group are the optimization of municipal investments, the economic sustainability of the population through the technical requirements of the right to tenure and the formulation of public policies.

Statistics, Rural Economy, Civil Engineering, Soils, Mathematics and Surveying and Cartography

Management in Practice

The Management in Practice Group emerged in 2015 from the concern of teachers and students involved with the gap between academic work and the needs of organizations. As time went by, what was a challenge, taking scientific knowledge to practice has become an extension program that continues to fulfill its objectives within UFV and contributing to the formation of students.

Its objective is to offer access to management tools to students and entrepreneurs interested in learning and teaching about the proposed topics. In this sense, the program offers workshops, training or workshops on some managerial tool, in order that the participants can interact and share their practical experiences, and thus form a network of knowledge.

Target Audience:

Students, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs
Ana Caroline Teixeira Rocha – Agronomy student, PIBIC fellow
Ikaro Borges Tosatti de Almeida – Agronomy student, PIBEX fellow
Ingrid Felomensch Araújo Magalhães – Student of Production Engineering – Scholarship
Izabela Araujo Machado – Civil Engineering Student – FUNABEX Scholarship
Janaína Cristina Sales Oliveira – Graduated in Cooperativism
Jéssica Ferreira Rohden – Graduated in Forestry and Agronomy
Marcelo Ibrahim Lana – Cooperative Student – PIBIC Scholarship
Samilla Nunes Rezende Rodrigues – Graduated in Cooperativism – CNPq Scholarship
Thiago Heleno Mariano -Master’s Student in Rural Extension – CNPq Scholarship
Super Multi Cable – Viçosa
Projeto RENOB
To learn more, visit Facebook, Instagram and the group’s website Facebook, Instagram e site do grupo

Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Territórios Criativos (GDTeC)

Fundado em 2012, é grupo interdisciplinar com pesquisadores de diferentes áreas de conhecimento de várias regiões do Brasil e do exterior, interessados na Administração Pública, possuindo inclusive ações extensionistas de pesquisa.
Seu escopo é contribuir para denominação, reconhecimento, desenvolvimento, coordenação e avaliação de Territórios Criativos para a gestão sustentável e empreendedorismo nas cidades, frente aos desafios do Século XXI.
O grupo desenvolve atividades de Pesquisa, atividades formativas e de assessoria a governos muinicipais e estaduais. Além de prestar assessoria em políticas públicas nos três níveis governamentais em turismo e economia criativa;
Público Alvo:
Acadêmicos e práticos, interessados em desenvolvimento de territórios por meio da criatividade e do turismo.
Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer


Órgãos governamentais; Sistema “S”, Universidades.
Possui parceiros no desenvolvimento de Territórios Turisticos Criativos na América Latina e na Europa.
Para mais informações, acesse o Facebook do grupo.

CREC – Reference Center for Entrepreneurship and Cooperatives

The Center for Reference in Entrepreneurship and Cooperativism (CREC-UFV), is composed of a group of researchers who propose to think about Brazilian entrepreneurship and cooperativism, through the development of research and extension activities and has publications in important congresses and magazines their thematic area. In addition, the production of theses and dissertations is highlighted. It is noteworthy that the PhD thesis of the leading researcher in this group was awarded, in 2015, with the José Gomes da Silva Award, granted by the Brazilian Society of Administration, Economy and Rural Sociology – SOBER to the best doctoral thesis in the field of rural sociology of Brazil. The group also has researchers with award-winning articles at congresses.
Its objective is to carry out research and projects in the areas of entrepreneurship, cooperatives and sustainable development
Target Audience:
Municipal, state and federal public authorities.
Third sector organizations
Companies, associations and cooperatives
Teaching entities research and extension
Coord: Prof. Alair Ferreira de Freitas e Alan Ferreira de Freitas
Members: Gabriela Brandão Lopes
Tamires Ramalho
Isabela Renó Jorge Moreira
Samuel Soares da Silva
Lucas Felipe Rodrigues Ramos
William Barbosa Valada
Samuel Soares da Silva
Soraia Aparecida Monteiro
Rodrigo Lelis de Freitas
Joyce Santana Bernardo
Renato César Cota Miranda
Almiro Alves Júnior
Alvaro Antonio Andrade
CNPQ Sescoop Project – Mineral Cooperativism
CNPQ Sescoop Project – Institutional Markets
Proater Project
For more information, visit the group’s Instagra.

Technical Project for Strengthening and Structuring the Fruit Chain in the State of Alagoas

The purpose of this proposal is to reduce economic and social, intra and interregional inequalities; from the stimulation of fruit production and processing, aiming to contribute significantly to the realization of the State’s development, overcoming the challenge of transforming federal programs and resources into business opportunities with sustainable growth potential, encouraging a focused development policy in the articulation of three systems: the innovation, the productive and the business, in a perspective of generating work and income in a sustainable, inclusive and participatory way. It is believed that the APLs are a tool to promote a systemic vision, capable of mobilizing means and instruments for development, through structural changes, generating economic dynamism, environmental sustainability, insertion and social empowerment. The development of the project will take place through the participation of local, regional and national partners, with a view to supporting production and creating better conditions to acquire greater added value, with the delivery of products, or most of them, so that they are processed by a cooperative agribusiness, and with real conditions to better transfer income to these families. It is expected that the implemented processes will, in addition to improving income for the producer by connecting the links in the production chain, also benefit the final consumer with safe, quality products and regular supply, based on the agroindustrialization of regional fruits and all activities that are linked to production chains such as distribution and marketing. In view of the above, this proposal intends to support the actions of implantation and structuring of the Alagoas Fruticulture Pole, benefiting approximately eight thousand rural producers and family farmers in the organization and conduct of their production and in the commercialization of their products and contributing to the reduction of rural migration -City.
Promote regional development, by encouraging the addition of value in irrigated fruit growing in order to support the process of organizing the production and commercialization of rural producers in the State of Alagoas, in line with the Alagoas Fruit Industry Hub. To this end, it is intended to carry out a survey of potential fruit growers, the species to be cultivated and potential markets; prepare a business plan for the fruit sector, dimensioning the consumer market for fresh and processed fruits and promoting actions aimed at implementing the fruit processing unit and the certified seedling production center.
Target Audience:
Among family farmers and small and medium-sized producers, who develop activities and / or with the potential to produce fruits with areas of up to 4 fiscal modules, as well as associations, consortia, cooperatives and production groups.
Maria Lúcia Calijuri
Marcelo José Braga
Mateus Gonzatto
Vinícius José Ribeiro
Jackeline de Siqueira Castro
Juliana Ferreira Lorentz
Sabrina do Carmo Alves
André Paiva Pereira

For more information access


Research and Extension Group linked to the Civil Engineering Department of the Federal University of Viçosa – UFV. Our main domain areas involve work with geospatial information and environmental research. Our group develops a series of research and extension activities, highlighting actions for the valorization of residues from environmental sanitation through the treatment of effluents and the cultivation of microalgae biomass, water reuse, generation of bioenergy, improving the availability of water in quantity and quality and environmental education.
Proposal for socioeconomic revitalization for the semi-arid region through the insertion of forage palm, tolerant to Cochineal of Carmine/div>
Target Audience:

Maria Lúcia Calijuri (Coordinator)

Wagner Campos Otoni
Vinicius Jose Ribeiro
Juliana Ferreira Lorentz
Letícia Rodrigues de Assis
Kamila Motta de Castro
Daniele Vidal Faria
Sabrina do Carmo Alves
Jackeline de Siqueira Castro
André Paiva

Developed activities:

1) Production, by means of in vitro cultivation, of propagules of forage palm varieties resistant to Cochineal of Carmine adapted to the conditions of the Semi-Arid region and beyond the diffusion of forage palm as a source of strengthening family agriculture in the Northeast..

2) Training and assistance to family farmers for maintaining crops.

For more information visit the group’s website.

To develop research and works that aim to contribute to the knowledge about Educational Policies and their consequences on the edges of Social and Economic Development.
Target Audience:
Researchers, Students, Institutions and People interested in the area.
Coordinator: Fernanda Maria de Almeida.
Research members: Kristinn Hermmansson; Wescley Silva Xavier; Cristiana Tristão Rodrigues.
Students: Gabriel Fernandes Lobo; Sabrina Olimpio Caldas de Castro; Cassiano Julião.
Research project;Elaboration of Scientific Articles, Theses, Dissertations and Monographs; Training and Capacity Building for Public Institutions.
Capes; CNPq; Fapemig.

GERAR – Rural Study Group: Agriculture and Rurality

The Rural Study Group: Agriculture and Rurality (GERAR) was created and registered on the CNPq website in 2010. The Group is formed by researchers, graduate and undergraduate students, from the areas of Agrarian Sciences, Biological Sciences and Human Sciences, from courses such as: Agronomy, veterinary, Animal Science, Biology, Geography, Home Economics, Education, Social Sciences and Rural Extension.
Investigate phenomena related to the following themes: 1) Contemporary farmers’ families; 2) Changing the ways of life of farmers who live in small municipalities in agricultural regions; 3) Routine commuting between the countryside and the city; 4) Effects of the uses of means of communication in the field; 5) Changes arising from the universalization of rural social security for farming families; 6) Non-agricultural rural occupations carried out by contemporary farming families; 7) Changes in the traditional model of succession in family farming; 8) Professional training in the field of Agrarian Sciences; 9) Gender and generation relations in the field.
Target Audience:
Graduate and undergraduate students, from the fields of Agrarian Sciences, Biological Sciences and Human Sciences, from courses such as: Agronomy, Veterinary, Zootechnics, Biology, Geography, Home Economics, Education, Social Sciences and Rural Extension.
Ana Louise de Carvalho Fiúza – Coordinator
Neide Maria de Almeida Pinto – Coordinating Committee
Angelita Alves de Carvalho – Coordinating Committee
Guelmer Junior Almeida de Faria – Coordinating Committee
Eugenia Galicia Gonzalez- Researcher-Doctoral Student
Nayhara Freitas Martins Gomes – Researcher-Doctor
Flavia Alves Santos – PhD Researcher
Andressa Gonçalves – Researcher-Douranda
Tatiani Gouvea – PhD Student
Tamires Pereira – Researcher-PhD Student
Dayane Freitas de Medeiros – Master’s Researcher
Fabiane Fonseca – PhD Student
Byron Javier Jimenez Fuentes –  Researcher – Master’s Student
Natália Rodrigues – Scientific Initiation.
Courses; Speeches; Seminars; Research with Qualitative and Quantitative methodologies.